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Also i would like every reader of this blog to know that this is not a hate blog and im not into politics. The articles published here just carry a message of awareness along and is NOT INTENDED to hurt the feelings of any person.
Spread the Joy,
Balaji Sridharan

Monday, December 1, 2008

Peanuts for the Commandos

India is viewed by many as the  land of contrasts and there is nothing better than this to explain it.
Im really sorry to see the way a life is being valued by the Govt. of India and i as an Indian am shamed to wake up to the fact that a shooter who shoots in an Olympic gets around 5-6 crores worth of assets whereas a shooter who shoots to save the life of 500 people gets somewhat around Rs.40-50 lacs (that too only if he has died)... 
The people of India have today woken up to this cold fact that an olympic medal is worth more than lives of so many people.Personally i would prefer to say that every woman and every mother is better than most MBA grads at management and every woman born in India has the capacity to get us gold medals that can satisfy our hunger in sports but will that satisfy the hunger those hearts which have been damaged beyond repair on losing their loved ones.
Even an army man has a family and in most cases the family depends on his income. Our "generous" govt has offered to the families of those who have been killed a mere 50 lac to spend for the rest 30-40 years.
In the present day scenario at mumbai the complete education(at a reputed school and coll ) costs of 2 children till graduation exceeds Rs.50 lac (with school fees skyrocketing to around a whooping 40k a year and tution fees hitting the roof).
If education takes up the whole where will the family go for Food Clothing and Shelter???
In such a case how will this so called" compensation" provided by the govt prove to be enough for a family to survive on??? 
I dont have any grudge against Mr.Bindra actually i respect him for putting India on the map but the point is that the NSG commandos arent paid nough for the Risk that they take and the compensation given to their families after their death is peanuts compared to what Mr.Bindra got for Shooting his way to a medal....
What Mr.Bindra Got ?

Awards for 2008 Olympics Gold medal

  • Rs. 10 lakh cash prize by S. Amolak Singh Gakhal, Chairman Golds Gym
  • Rs. 10 lakh cash prize by Chief Minister of Maharashtra state
  • Rs. 5 lakh cash prize by State Government of Orissa
  • Rs. 5 lakh cash prize by M. Karunanidhi, the chief minister of Tamil Nadu
  • Rs. 1 lakh cash prize by the State Government of Chhattisgarh
  • Rs. 1 lakh cash prize by the State Government of Madhya Pradesh
  • A free lifetime railway pass by the Railway Ministry of India
  • A Gold medal by the State Government of Kerala.
  • Rs. 15 lakh cash award by Pune Municipal Corporation
  • Not to mention the Volvo Car that was gifted to him costing 4mn US$ (around Rs.50 lacs).
  • And the income that they derieve as Royalty and Income from Ads from sponsorship tie ups with Samsung and The Sahara Group.

What the NSG Guys get (after death only) ?

The Indian Government has offered Rs 1 crore for security personnel who died during the Mumbai attack operations.

Then ...?

Well if you are wondering where the rest are..keep wondering..but thats all their family gets when the soilder has bravely laid his soul for saving the lives of so many innocent people.

An old saying goes on that "God helps you when you help others" but if this is the state of Affairs in India, Then not even god will help India... 

Jai Hind...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah absolutely right da... a well taught framed article on this issue...... i think all others have to come out with their view and make sure that u forward this to all... some steps has to be seriously taken now... and with days passing by, u all know what the politicians are making comments on our martyrs... shame for all.. shame for India if this continues.... Jai Hind
